Wells Township, Rice County, MN.

April 3, 2017 Meeting Minutes

Wells Township Board Meeting Minutes, April 3, 2017

On Tuesday Monday April 3, 2017 the Wells Town Board met at the Wells Town Hall. Members present were Jeff LaCanne, Rich Cap, Nancy Johnson, Marlene Pohl and Jim Zahn.

Also present were Lowell Berg, Flavia Berg, Janette Ung, Ronald Ung, Irv Novak,

Dennis Walker, Mary Walker, Bob Cross, Larry Churchill and Colin Johnson

Chairman Jeff LaCanne opened the meeting with the pledge of allegiance. Reading the minutes for March 2017 was postponed until the May meeting.

Marlene Pohl gave the treasurers report for  March. 1st United current balance is $281,435.67 and State Bank current balance is $90,174.43 for a total of $371,610.10. Rich Cap moved to accept the Treasurers report and Nancy Johnson seconded the motion. The motion carried.

The Bills were reviewed for payment. Jeff LaCanne moved we pay the bills. Rich Cap seconded the motion and the motion carried.

Larry Churchill was concerned with Roberds Lake Trail and wanted to know what could be done to repair the road. The fact that it was a subordinate service district was reviewed and Larry was asked to get quotes from some contractors and bring them to the Board.

Irv Novak has a ditch problem at 4151 Chappuis Trail. Heavy rains were washing out his driveway. Jeff LaCanne will review the problem before the next meeting.

Steve Anderson requested some patch material to repair pot holes on Chappuis Trail so he could fill them in the next week. Rich Cap will repair the pot holes in the nest week.

The Ungs requested the Board approve their liquor license. Jeff LaCanne moved and Rich Cap seconded the motion to approve a 3.2 liquor license for Ung’s Resort. The motion carried.

Colin Johnson asked what the Township’s plan was for the bump caused by the culvert next to the public access on Kelly Lake. He was advised the Township planned to fill with hot mix.

John Winjum presented a quote for RAW construction for gravel, bituminous, blading and snow removal. He would like a chance handle the townships blading and snow plowing.

Jim Zahn presented information on Clerk Training done by Min. Assn. of Townships at St. Michael on May 2, 2017. He was authorized to sign up for the training.

The REPAC meeting on April 12 was discussed and Rich Cap will attend.

The Rural Fire Board was discussed and with Marlene Pohl leaving the board they needed a new treasurer. Nancy Johnson has accepted the Job. Also a delegate for the truck committee was needed to help oversee the purchase of a Tanker truck. Nancy Johnson moved to have Jeff LaCanne represent Wells Township on the truck committee. Rich Cap seconded the motion and it carried.

The board reviewed a list of items to be reviewed annually. Changes were made to Clerk and Treasurers salary, meeting posting locations and Fire Wardens. Nancy Johnson moved to approve the list and Rich Cap seconded the motion. The motion carried. The list is an attachment to the minutes.

The March building Permits weren’t available at the time of the meeting.

Nancy Johnson moved to pay Jim Zahn for the months of October 2016 and the March 2017. Rich Cap seconded the motion and it carried.

Flavia Berg was sworn in as the new Treasurer for the township.

Rich Cap moved to adjourn the meeting.  Nancy Johnson seconded the motion and it carried.

Respectfully Submitted

Jim Zahn Clerk



Reorganization Meeting

Wells Township

April 3, 2017



Appoint Chairman                                                                               Jeff LaCanne

Appoint Co chairman                                                                           Rich Cap

Set Meeting Dates                                                                              1st Monday of the Month unless a holiday and then the first Tuesday

Meeting Time                                                                                     7:00 P.M.

Establish salaries for Treasurer and Clerk                                         Treas-$150.00 Clerk-$375.00

Set pay for meetings                                                                           Chair $75.00, Supervisors $65.00

Hourly rate will be                                                                              $20.00/hr.

Set Mileage rate                                                                                 $.54/mile

Designate Official Newspaper                                                                        Faribault Daily News

Designate Meeting posting locations                                                 Town Hall, Web Site

Designate Bank for checking                                                              1st United

Designate Banks for CD’s                                                                   1st United, State Bank

Township Fire Wardens                                                                      Rich Cap, Nancy Johnson, Jim Zahn

Ditch Mowing                                                                                     Dale Kuchinka


To view Treasurer’s report click on this link: Wells Township Treasurer’s Report April 2017
