Wells Township, Rice County, MN.

August 12 Meeting Minutes

Wells Township Board Meeting Minutes August 12,2019


Rich Capp called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Members present were Flavia Berg, Colin Johnson, and Rich Capp. Also present were Lowell Berg, Ron Phillips, Shelby Phillips, Frank Ahlman, Bill LaPorte, Bill Arendt, R. Kolterman, Dale Kuchinka, and Tim Madigan.

Minutes of the July 8th meeting were read. Rich Capp moved to accept the minutes, Colin Johnson second the motion and it passed. Flavia Berg read the Treasurer’s report for July 2019.Colin Johnson moved to accept the report as printed, Rich Capp second. Motion passed.

The bills for the month were reviewed. Colin Johnson moved to approve the bills for payment. Rich Capp second. Motion passed.

Issues from the Floor:

Ron Phillips presented a letter from the Wells Lake Court/ Wells Lake Way SSD road committee proposing repairs to several frost boil areas they would like the Township to repair this year. Because of the number of missing board members at this meeting, it was decided to postpone a decision until the September meeting. During this time, the areas will be painted out and the bids will be reviewed.

Bill Arendt asked what the schedule was for replacing the culverts on Elmore Trail and where the culverts were located. Colin Johnson said he would check with the contractor and let Tim Madigan know the schedule and he could pass the information on.

Old Business:

The potholes on French Lake Trail were discussed and it was decided to have 3-4 loads of millings spread on the areas from Collin McAdams drive to the lake.

The final meeting for completion of Roberd’s Lake Trail and Dassel Ave is set for September 9.

New Business:

There is a major culvert washout which requires immediate repair on 177th St just west of C.R. 68. Colin Johnson will arrange to have RAW Construction repair this.

Dust Control. One semi load has been applied to date but more is needed. It was discussed and Colin Johnson moved to order up to another 3000 gallons to complete the remaining roads. Rich Capp second. Motion passed.

Rich Capp moved to adjourn, Colin Johnson second. Motion passed.