Wells Township, Rice County, MN.

Boar Meeting Minutes September 12,2022

Wells Township Board Meeting Minutes September 12, 2022

Rich Cap called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Pledge of allegiance was said. Members present were Rich Cap, Colin Johnson, Flavia Berg and Paula Johnson. Jeff LaCanne joined us shortly.

Also present were Lowell Berg, Jesse Thomas, Vicky Teich, Susan Tuma, Uri Vazquez, John Winjum and Joe Varley.

August minutes were read by Paula Johnson. Colin Johnson moved to approve the minutes, Rich Cap seconded the motion and it passed.

Flavia Berg read the treasurers report for August. Colin Johnson moved to accept the report, Rich Cap seconded the motion and it passed.

The bills for the month were reviewed. Colin Johnson moved to approve the bills for payment, Rich Cap seconded the motion and it passed.

Issues from the floor:

Uri Vazquez brought his driveway in his back yard. He was responding to Jim Zahn’s letter. The board decided it was ok because it was only used twice a year.

Joe Varley asked about the removal of the trees on Canby Ave., the timeline and the spraying of the brush. Rich Cap and Joe set up a meeting for the following AM.

Vicky Teich brought up safety issues on Wells Lake Way. Discussion followed and it will be corrected.

Sheriff Jesse Thomas asked about township concerns. Parking enforcement at Grandmas Resort was brought up and discussed.

Old Business:

Susan Tuma wanted an update on the Chappuis Trail progress. Complaints and issues were discussed.

Road Issues:

A sub cut was discussed for 172nd St. on Misgen’s Bay. Prices are coming.

Dust control complaints were discussed.

Barriers on Wells Ct. were corrected.

New Business:

Skyline Drive pothole complaints were discussed. Rich Cap will take care of them.

Chad Wolf was ok with his ditch project.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:55 PM.

The net meeting will be Monday October 10, 2022 at 7:00 PM.

Colin Johnson moved to adjourn, Jeff LaCanne seconded the motion and it passed.





Paula Johnson

Substitute Clerk