Wells Township, Rice County, MN.

Board Mtg. Min. Dec. 13, 2021

Wells Township Board Meeting Minutes December 13, 2021

Jeff LaCanne called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Members present were Jeff LaCanne, Rich Cap, Colin Johnson, Brandon Miller and James Zahn.

November minutes were read by Jim Zahn. Colin Johnson moved to approve the minutes. Rich Cap seconded the motion and it passed. 

Brandon Miller read the Treasurer’s report for November. Rich Cap moved to accept the report and Colin Johnson seconded the motion and it passed.

The bills for the month were reviewed. Colin Johnson moved to approve the bills for payment. Jeff LaCanne seconded the Motion and it passed.

Issues from the Floor:


Old Business:

The Skyline Drive project is complete and looks good.


New Business:

The petition to establish a Subordinate Service District for the purpose of blacktopping Chappuis Trail was reviewed. The necessary signatures were reviewed and a hearing date of January 10, 2022 was set.

The pay rate for election judges was reviewed. Jeff LaCanne moved to change the rate to $20.00/hour. Colin Johnson seconded the motion and it passed.

Jeff LaCanne advised there was a Fire District meeting on Wednesday December 22, 2021. For those Board members that could attend.


Jeff LaCanne moved to adjourn the meeting. Colin Johnson seconded the motion and it passed.

James Zahn
