Wells Township, Rice County, MN.

Board Mtg. Min. Feb. 14, 2022

Wells Township Board Meeting Minutes, February 14 2022.


Jeff LaCanne called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. Members present were Jeff LaCanne, Rich Cap, Colin Johnson, Brandon Miller and Paula Johnson. Also present was John Winjum.

The January minutes were read by Paula Johnson. There was a question whether it was Brian Hake or John Hortop at the January meeting. The minutes weren’t approved.

Brandon Miller read the treasurer’s report for Jan. Colin Johnson moved to accept the report and Rich seconded the motion. The motion was passed. Bills for the month were reviewed. Colin moved to approve the bills for payment, Jeff seconded and the motion passed.

New Business:

  • A discussion was held on setting a hearing date on establishing a Subordinate Service District at 180th Street, Winjum’s addition. John Winjum presented a copy of the proposed plat on the 2nd A decision was made to hold off until the plat was approved by the county.
  • A discussion was held on the ordinance regulating the construction and maintenance of driveways and culverts within the township. A call was made to Jim Zahn to inquire about a form sent him from the Ruppe law firm. Jim said he would forward the form to the supervisors. The issue is tabled till March.

Road Issues: A discussion was held about the condition of the township roads. Resident’s comments were discussed.

Next Meeting: Monday, March 7, 2022 at 7:00 pm.


At 8:00, Rich Cap moved to adjourn and Jeff LaCanne seconded. It passed.

Paula Johnson

Substitute Clerk