Wells Township, Rice County, MN.

Board Mtg Oct. 12, 2021

Wells Township Board Meeting Minutes October 11, 2021

Rich Cap called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Members present were Rich Cap, Colin Johnson, Flavia Berg and James Zahn.

Also present was Lowell Berg .

September minutes were read by Jim Zahn. Colin Johnson moved to approve the minutes. Rich Cap seconded the motion and it passed. 

Flavia Berg read the Treasurer’s report for September. Colin Johnson moved to accept the report and Rich Cap seconded the motion and it passed.

The bills for the month were reviewed. Colin Johnson moved to approve the bills for payment. Rich Cap seconded the Motion and it passed.

Issues from the Floor:


Old Business:

The DNR Grant for 175th and 177th Streets is complete and looks good.

BMI has offered to fix the problem with a hand form for the curb. Colin Johnson moved to have BMI perform the work, Rich Cap seconded the motion and it passed.

Chappuis Trail regrind is complete

The Township received $71,250.00 as the first payment on the American Rescue Plan Act grant.


New Business:

The cracks on Elmore Ave. were discussed and Colin Johnson moved to repair them using funds from the maintenance fund for the road. Rich Cap seconded the motion and it passed.

Colin Johnson moved to approve the John Jasinski right of way permit. Rich Cap[p seconded the motion and it passed.

Rich Cap discovered an unpermitted driveway onto Dassel Avenue. Colin Johnson moved we send a letter to the owner on Chappiuis Court to remove the driveway. Rich Cap seconded the motion and it passed.


Colin Johnson moved to adjourn the meeting. Rich Cap seconded the motion and it passed.

James Zahn
