Wells Township, Rice County, MN.

April 4, 2016 Minutes

Wells Township Board Meeting Minutes April 4, 2016


On Monday April 4, 2016 the Wells Town Board met at the Wells Town Hall.

Members present were Jeff LaCanne, Nancy Johnson, Rich Cap, Marlene Pohl and Jim Zahn.

Also present were Pam Sartor, Flavia Berg, Lowell Berg, Colin Johnson, Steve Anderson, Bob Cross, Steve Salzwedel, Dean Bauer, Archie Kasperek Jr., Karen Kasperek, Dan McGinnis, Bill Holmblad, Steve Bakken, and Larry Churchill.

Chairman Jeff LaCanne opened the meeting with the pledge of allegiance.

The minutes of the March 7, 2016 meeting were read by Jim Zahn.  Rich Cap moved to accept the minutes and Nancy Johnson seconded the motion. The motion carried.

Marlene Pohl gave the Treasurers report. Current checking balance is $179,703.94, three C.D.’s at the State Bank total $89,767.75, two C.D.’s at 1st United total $118,057.00 for a total balance of $387,528.69. Nancy Johnson moved to accept the Treasurers report and Rich Cap seconded the motion. The motion carried.

The March Bills were reviewed for payment. Jeff LaCanne moved we pay the March bills. Rich Cap seconded the motion and the motion carried.

Old Business:

Nancy Johnson informed the board that the attorneys for both parties hadn’t met to discuss the easement on the Pexa property. She felt we should let it go until they got back to us.

Jim Zahn reviewed the March election results. There are 999 registered voters in Wells Township. We had 88 people vote or 9% of registered voters. Rich Cap was re-elected for supervisor with 78 votes and Jim Zahn was re-elected for clerk with 70 votes.

Everyone was reminded that the Board of appeal & Equalization meeting was scheduled forApril14, 2016 at 9:00 A.M.

New Business:

Board positions, meeting dates, pay rates, and posting locations were reviewed and remain the same with the exception of the mileage rate which was lowered to $.54/ mile. A complete list is attached.

The condition of Township roads was discussed. Major issues with frost boils are a county wide and created major issues on 190th street and French Lake Trail. Some gravel was applied to these two roads to help the situation. Plans are to blade the roads as soon as the firm up and to apply the gravel needed based on the fall road survey after the load restrictions are removed from the roads.

Steve Anderson and Dean Bauer discussed the condition of Chappuis trail. The road broke up in several locations this spring and needs repair. Steve asked if the road could be posted for a lower weight limit to keep the larger garbage trucks off the road. Dean Bauer asked that Dalton Avenue be bladed more frequently as several of the residents on Chappuis Trail use Dalton because Chappuis Trail is so narrow. Dalton is full of pot holes and only gets bladed once a year based on a discussion with the driver of the grader.

After much discussion about grinding in place and overlaying vs. patching, Nancy Johnson moved to get quotes to grind the bituminous in place this summer. Jeff La Canne seconded the motion and it carried.

Pam Sartor asked about setting up a subordinate service district for 177th Street West. Several of the residents want to use a subordinate service district to finance improvements and paving to the existing cart way.

Steve Bakken asked about a plugged culvert that he believes is on township rite of way. After looking at pictures Rich Cap will look at the property to determine who is responsible for the plugged culvert.

Larry Churchill asked about repairs to Roberds Lake Trail due to problems this spring. He was asked to get quotes for the repairs.

There were 3 building permits issued in February

Jeff LaCanne moved to adjourn the meeting and Nancy Johnson seconded the motion and it carried.

Respectfully Submitted

Jim Zahn Clerk



