Wells Township, Rice County, MN.

June 11, 2018 Meeting Minutes

Wells Township Board Meeting Minutes, June 11, 2018

Jeff LaCanne called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Members present were Jeff LaCanne, Rich Capp, Colin Johnson, Flavia Berg and James Zahn.

Also present were Lowell Berg and Bob Cross.

Minutes of the May 2018 meeting were read and Rich Cap moved to accept the minutes and Colin Johnson seconded the motion.  Motion passed.

Flavia Berg read the Treasurer’s report for May 2018. Colin Johnson moved to accept the report as printed on the attachment. Rich Cap seconded the motion and it passed.

Jeff LaCanne moved to approve the bills for payment. Colin Johnson seconded the motion and it carried.

Progress of the road maintenance based on the road tour was reviewed. Raw Construction has begun doing some of the project and should get most of it complete in June and early July.

Billing for the fire truck was discussed. The truck should be available by late June and Jeff LaCanne was asked to get an actual bill from the city.

The annexation of Met-Con properties into the city was discussed. The township met with the city and agreed to a 5 year payment plan of $40,000.00 per year for 5 years as compensation for the loss of Met-Con properties tax base. Rich Cap moved that resolution 2018-2 releasing Met-Con properties to the city of Faribault be approve. Jeff La Canne seconded the motion and it carried.

Another payment to the city for the fire truck was discussed. It was decided we would wait until we received the actual bill from the city.

It was decided to have Harvey Reynolds do some patch work on Chappuis Trail.

Ric Cap moved to adjourn and Colin Johnson seconded the motion and it passed.


James Zahn
