Wells Township, Rice County, MN.

September 2, 2014 Minutes



September 2, 2014

7:00 p.m.

Wells Town Hall



On Monday September 2, 2014 the Wells Town Board met at the Wells Town Hall.


Board Members present were Jeff LaCanne, Nancy Johnson, Rich Cap, Marlene Pohl and James Zahn.


Also present were: Joel Wagar, John Purdie, Colin Johnson and Larry Churchill


Chairman Jeff LaCanne opened the meeting with the pledge of allegiance.


Chairman LaCanne asked if anyone was recording the meeting and received no response.


The August 6, 2014 minutes were read by James Zahn. Marlene Pohl moved accept the minutes and Jeff LaCanne seconded the motion. The motion carried.


The Treasurers report was given by Marlene Pohl. Nancy Johnson moved to accept the Treasurers report and Rich Cap seconded the motion. The motion carried.


The bills for the month were reviewed and approved for payment.


Joel Wagar from the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources discussed the easement situation on the Public Access Road on Roberds Lake. No easement was ever issued to Wells Township due to an error by the DNR. The application for the easement has been processed and the document should be done in the next 2-3 months. This is a perpetual easement and there is no cost to the Township. It is a 66’ wide easement and the Township will be responsible for maintenance of the road to the access. Mr. Wagar stated that the DNR has funds available for repairs of the road when they are needed and the Township can apply for the funds.

Nancy Johnson Moved that we review progress with the easement in January 2015. Rich Cap seconded the motion and it carried.


Larry Churchill asked if the Township planned to do anything with Roberds Lake Trail and Dassel Ave. He was advised there were no plans to do anything this year.


The Garfield Trail Project was reviewed and the road is in good shape.


The French Lake Trail Project was reviewed and the culverts, rip rap, and ditch cleaning are complete. 3 Loads of gravel still need to be spread to complete the project.


Jim Zahn reviewed the progress with FEMA. There have been 2 meetings in August and we are in the process of putting together the information necessary for the public assistance application which will be filled out at a meeting in October.


Jim Zahn reported that the Furlong Variance for set back from the lake for a cabin was approved by the Board of Adjustment at their August 7 meeting.


Jim Zahn reviewed a computer accounting system for Townships. This system is supplied by the State Auditor’s office and is called CTAS. The current version 7 is being replaced by the first of the year and the State is charging a onetime fee of $300.00 for the new version 8 and Jim asked permission to purchase the system. Nancy Johnson moved the Township purchase CTAS version 8 from the State Auditor for $300.00. Rich Cap seconded the motion and it carried.


Colin Johnson presented basic specifications for a Township  road and asked the Board for approval for the Winjum addition he was working on. The Township wants a 66’ right of way, a 28’ top with 8” of class 5, a ditch with a minimum depth of 3’ and a 4:1 slope from the road to the center of the ditch with a 3:1 slope to the outside of the ditch.


Rich Cap would like a formal Snow Plow plan for the Township. He requested Jim Zahn get the sample snow and ice control policy off the Minnesota Association of Township web site and bring it to the next meeting.



No Building permits for the month were received .



Nancy Johnson moved to adjourn the meeting. Jeff LaCanne seconded the motion and the motion carried.



Respectfully Submitted




James Zahn

Clerk Wells Township