Wells Township, Rice County, MN.

September 12, 2020 Meeting Minutes

Wells Township Board Meeting Minutes September 12, 2020

Jeff LaCanne called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Members present were Jeff LaCanne, Rich Cap, Colin Johnson, Flavia Berg and James Zahn.

Also present were Lowell Berg, Mike Hopwood, Jeanine Vorland, Jim Bauer and Bill Arendt.

August minutes were read by Jim Zahn. Rich Cap moved to approve the minutes. Colin Johnson seconded the motion and it passed. 

Flavia Berg read the Treasurer’s report for August 2020. Colin Johnson moved to accept the report as corrected, Rich Cap seconded the motion and it passed.

The bills for the month were reviewed. Colin Johnson moved to approve the bills for payment. Jeff LaCanne seconded the Motion and it passed.

Issues from the Floor:

The water standing in Mike Hopwood’s ditch on his property along Roberds Lake Trail was again discussed. Mr. Hopwood isn’t happy that the ditch remains wet, even though there is no longer standing water. It was decided to leave the ditch as is and evaluate in the spring.

Jeanine Vorland from the DNR discussed their plan to put in a parking lot on the edge of their public hunting land on Becker Avenue.  She wanted to know what the township’s plans were for this road as it was the access to their planned parking lot. The current plan is to leave the rod as is.

She also supplied some information on applying for a grant for the road.  Rich Cap was given the information.

Old Business:


Elmore Trail and Elmore Path paving is complete. All that remains is coring and repair of a spot damaged on the hill. The bill was received on 9/12 for the project. The invoice from BMI was for $290,214.82. The repair of 175th St. and Elmore intersection was $10,086.80 and the township portion for base repair was $30,510.82. This brought the total township responsibility to $40597.62 the assessment roll was reviewed and the same properties make up the roll for this project. With the splitting of some properties since 2002 there are now 46 PID’s. With Ung’s being charged 2 ½ PID’s the residents share was divided by 47 ½. This brought the charge to each PID $5255.10.

Colin Johnson moved that we adopt resolution 2020-4 on this project. Rich Cap seconded the motion and it passed. A copy of the resolution is attached.

New Business:

The State of Minnesota 2020 Cares Act Grant provides the township with $847.00 to pay for election expenses caused by Corona Virus. Rich Cap moved that we enter into a municipality agreement with Rice County since they are supplying all necessary corona Virus supplies. Colin Johnson seconded the motion and it passed.

Colin Johnson reported that the Kelly Lake Trail culverts by the public access continue to be a problem. A load of class 5 will be spread here.

There is a bad spot on Canby Avenue and 2 belly dumps of crushed concrete will spread.

Small trees in the ditches and a possible 2nd sweep mowing were discussed. Rich Cap will work with Dale Kuhinka on what can be done this fall.

Colin Johnson moved to adjourn the meeting. Rich Cap seconded the motion and it passed.

James Zahn


Resolution 2020-4


The board of Supervisors, having considered the competitive bids submitted for Elmore Ave. Elmore Way, 175th Street and 100ft. of Elmore path repaving project, hereby resolves:


  1. That B.M.I. being the lowest bid, was accepted for this road paving project.
  2. That Wells Township will pay for the geotextile fabric, 1 ½” Lime Rock, Class 5 aggrate base and the paving of the intersection of 175th Street and Elmore representing the Townships portion of base repair for the project.
  3. The balance of $249,617.20 along with interest at 3.95% and any additional costs shall be assessed upon the benefited owners.
  4. That the PID, s will be assessed uniformly with the exception of Ung’s Resort. The rate for Ung’s resort will be 2 ½ times the cost of the other PID’s
  5. That the Wells Township Treasurer is authorized to receive payments in full, without the assessment of interest, until November 1, 2020.
  6. That the assessment roll be on file with the Wells Township Clerk and be open to public inspection.
  7. That assessments unpaid as of November 1, 2020 will be prorated over seven (7) years at the interest rate determined when the township borrows the funds. The rate will be charged per year and placed on their property taxes.
  8. That a road maintenance fee of $25.00 will be assessed each year and held in a fund for repairs as needed.
  9. That the $3.00 maintenance fee charged by the Rice County will be added to the $25. 00 fee.


Adopted by the Wells Town Board of Supervisors this ____ day of _______ , 2020.





Town Clerk


