Wells Township, Rice County, MN.

Minutes November 2019

Wells Township Board Meeting Minutes November 11, 2019


Jeff LaCanne called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Members present were Jeff La Canne, Flavia Berg, Colin Johnson,  Rich Capp and James Zahn. Also present were Lowell Berg, Kris Thielbar, Cindy Schmidt and Paul Schmidt.

Minutes of the October 14th meeting were read. Rich Cap moved to accept the minutes, Colin Johnson seconded the motion and it passed.

Flavia Berg read the Treasurer’s report for August 2019. Colin Johnson moved to accept the report as printed, Rich Capp second. Motion passed.

The bills for the month were reviewed. Jeff LaCanne moved to approve the bills for payment. Rich Capp second. Motion passed.

Issues from the Floor:

Cindy Schmidt was concerned about the condition of Elmore Trail. Putting gravel on Elmore trail was discussed. It was decided to hold off based on weather.

Old Business:

The culverts on 170th, Elmore Ave. and Elmore Trail project were replaced by the meeting.

New Business:

The township received a letter on the culvert installed by Ron Olson. After discussion it was determined that the culvert was installed per the permit and wasn’t an issue.

Concerns over road blading were discussed with Jon Winjum from RAW Construction.  It was decided to stay with RAW Construction for the winter season.

A resolution making the town hall the polling place for 2020 was presented. Jeff LaCanne moved to pass the resolution and Rich Cap seconded the motion. The motion passed.

A resolution to use Rice County to handle absentee ballots for Wells Township was presented. Colin Johnson moved to pass the resolution and Rich Cap seconded the motion. The motion passed.

Jeff LaCanne moved to adjourn and Colin Johnson seconded the motion. The motion passed


James Zahn



Colin Johnson moved to adjourn, Rich Cap seconded the Motion and it passed.

James Zahn Clerk