Wells Township, Rice County, MN.

April 10, 2023 Meeting Minutes

Wells Township Board Meeting Minutes April 10, 2023

Jeff LaCanne called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Members present were Jeff LaCanne, Rich Cap, Colin Johnson, Flavia Berg and James Zahn.

Also present were Kathleen Cap, Richard Cap and Marvin Lounsbery.

March minutes were read by Jim Zahn. Rich Cap moved to approve the minutes. Colin Johnson seconded the motion and it passed

Flavia Berg read the Treasurer’s report for March. Colin Johnson moved to accept the report and Rich Cap seconded the motion and it passed.

The bills for the month were reviewed. Jeff LaCanne moved to approve the bills for payment. Rich Cap seconded the Motion and it passed.

Issues from the Floor:

Marvin Lounsbery was concerned about the changes made to the neighbors ditch at 4458 Roberd Lake Trail last year.  After discussion the board decided to review the situation on the spring road tour.

Kathy Cap asked if the board had received any bids for snow plowing and road maintenance. She was advised that bids from contractors would be asked for after the road tour.

Old Business:

New Business:

It was announced that the Board of Appeals & Equalization meeting will be held at the Wells Town Hall on April 14, 2023 at 9:00 A.M.

The board reorganized for the year 2023 as follows:

Reorganization Meeting

Wells Township

April 10, 2023

Appoint Chairman                                                                               Jeff LaCanne

Appoint Cochairman                                                                           Rich Cap

Set Meeting Dates                                                                              2nd   Monday of the Month unless a holiday and then the first Tuesday

Meeting Time                                                                                     7:00 P.M.

Establish salaries for Treasurer and Clerk                                         Treas-$300.00


Set pay for meetings                                                                           Chair $85.00 for 3hours hrly                                                                                                                                      hourly after that

Supervisors                                                                                          $75.00 for 3 hours                                                                                          hourly after that

Hourly rate will be                                                                              $30.00/hr.

Set Mileage rate                                                                                 $.58/mile

Designate Official Newspaper                                                                        Faribault Daily News

Designate Meeting posting locations                                                 Town Hall, Web Site

Designate Bank for checking                                                              1st United

Designate Banks for CD’s                                                                                                                   1st United, State Bank, Reliance Bank

Township Fire Wardens                                                                      Rich Cap, Jeff LaCanne, Jim Zahn

Ditch Mowing                                                                                     Dale Kuchinka

Election Judges                                                                                   $20.00/hr.

Right of Way Permits                                                                          $200.00


Jeff LaCanne moved to recess the meeting until 9:00 A.M. on April17 to complete the spring road tour. Rich Cap seconded the motion and it passed.


On April 17, 2023 Jeff LaCanne reconvened the board and a road tour of the township was completed. In attendance were Jeff LaCanne, Rich Cap, Colin Johnson and Jim Zahn. Listed below are the concerns the board came up with.

Gravel Quantities
Street Start End Amount
Becker Trail Bagley Hwy 21 1100 TN
Big Stone Way Hwy 21 22 TN
165Th St W Bagley @tee 500 TN
Culver Ave 2 loads on ea. hill, 1 load
600 feet north of Hwy 21 110 TN
Dumont Ave 1 load @ Hwy 21 21 TN
190Th St W Fairbanks Garfield 2065 TN After Reclaim
198th Ct Garfield Cul-de-sac 725 TN
Farwell Ave 2 loads on hill by tree line 44 TN
Fairbanks Ave 1 load south of
address 19823 where thin 22 TN
180th Ct W 1 load on south side
of cul-de-sac 22 TN
Approx. Total 4631 TN

Clear brush along Canby both north and south along the Varley property.

165th and 195th clean ditch.

French Lake Trail put rip rap along ditch as needed and clean brush and trees along the ditch.

The ditch along Roberds Lake Trail appears to have a hump in it causing it to hold water. The board will have that ditch shot with a transit to determine what action is necessary.

The tour ended at 12:30 P.M.

James Zahn
