Wells Township, Rice County, MN.

April 9, 2018 Meeting Minutes

Wells Township Board Meeting Minutes, April 9, 2018

Jeff LaCanne called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Members present were Jeff LaCanne, Rich Capp, Colin Johnson, Flavia Berg and James Zahn.

Also present were Lowell Berg and John Winjum.

Minutes of the March 2018 meeting were read and Rich Cap moved to accept the minutes and Colin Johnson seconded the motion.  Motion passed.

Flavia Berg read the Treasurer’s report for March 2018. Colin Johnson moved to accept the report as printed on the attachment. Rich Cap seconded the motion and it passed.

Jeff LaCanne moved to approve the bills for payment. Rich Cap seconded the motion and it carried.

The matter of the performance bond for the paving of Roberds Lake Trail and Dassel Avenue was reviewed. The bid criteria didn’t include a performance bond and the contractor asked the township to absorb the expense.   After discussion it was decided to ask the contractor to add a payment bond and performance bond and add it to the bid price. It was decided to have Colin Johnson and Dennis Parker oversee the project.

A special meeting has been set up to meet with the city of Faribault to discuss island annexation. The meeting will be at 9:00 A.M. on April 18 at the Faribault City Hall.

A road tour is planned for 9:00 A.M. on April 27, 2018.

The board did reorganization and the following was approved in a motion by Jeff LaCanne and seconded by Rich Cap:

2018 Chairman                                                                  Jeff LaCanne

2018 Cochairman                                                              Rich Cap

2018 Meeting Dates                                                        2nd Monday of the Month

Meeting Time                                                                    7:00 P.M.

Treasurer Salary                                                               $150.00/Month

Clerk                                                                                      $375.00/Month

Meeting Pay                                                                      Chair $75.00/Mtg.

Supervisor $65.00/Mtg.

Hourly Rate                                                                        $20.00/Hr.

Election Judge                                                                   $15.00/Hr.

Mileage Rate                                                                     $.54/Mile

Designated Official Newspaper                                 Faribault Daily News

Designated Posting Locations                                     Town Hall, The Lodge

Designated Bank for Checking                                    1st United

Designated banks for C.D.’s                                        1st United, State Bank, Reliance Bank

Township Fire Wardens                                                                Rich Cap, Jim Zahn

Ditch Mowing                                                                    Dale Kuchinka

Jeff LaCanne moved to adjourn and Rich Cap seconded the motion.  Motion passed.


James Zahn
