Wells Township, Rice County, MN.

July 2019

Wells Township Board Meeting Minutes July 8, 2019

Jeff LaCanne called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Members present were Jeff LaCanne,   Rich Capp, Flavia Berg and James Zahn.

Also present were Lowell Berg, Ed DeGrood, Bill Arendt, Ron Velzke, Kathleen Cap, Richard Cap, Jon Winjum and Sharon Miller.

Minutes of the June 10, 2019 meeting were read.  Rich Cap moved to accept the minutes and
Jeff LaCanne seconded the motion.  Motion passed

Flavia Berg read the Treasurer’s report for June 2019. Rich Cap moved to accept the report as printed on the attachment. Jeff LaCanne seconded the motion and it passed.

The bills for the month were reviewed and Jeff La Canne moved to approve the bills for payment and Rich Cap seconded the motion. The motion passed.

Ed DeGrood presented a driveway permit request and it was approved.

Ed DeGrood asked that a culvert just north of his driveway be cleaned or replaced as water wasn’t flowing thru it.

Ron Velzke asked for an update on the culvert repair for 175th, Elmore Ave. and Elmore Way. Jon Winjum advised the repairs were in the schedule.

After discussion Jeff LaCanne moved we spend $3,500 on Fairbanks and $3500 on Canby South to gravel the bad areas.


Rich Cap moved to adjourn and Jeff LaCanne seconded the motion. The motion carried.


James Zahn


