Wells Township, Rice County, MN.

May 2019

Wells Township Board Meeting Minutes May 13, 2019

Jeff LaCanne called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Members present were Rich Capp, Colin Johnson, Flavia Berg and James Zahn.

Also present were Lowell Berg, Tim Cross, Bill Arendt, Ron Velzke, Bill LA Porte, Sarah Croke, Joyce Ahlman, Frank Ahlman, Jon Winjum, Art Pakuette, Kevin Brazil, Ron Philips, Shelby Phillips, Brad Lechtenberg, Lee Ann Lechtenberg and Bernie Pirkl.

Minutes of the April 8, 2019 meeting were read.  Colin Johnson moved to accept the minutes and
Rich Cap seconded the motion.  Motion passed.

Minutes of the April 11, 2019 Board of appeals and Equalization were read and minutes from the April 15, 2019 road meeting were read.  Colin Johnson moved to accept the minutes and
Rich Cap seconded the motion.  Motion passed.

Flavia Berg read the Treasurer’s report for March 31, 2019. Colin Johnson moved to accept the report as printed on the attachment. Rich Cap seconded the motion and it passed.

The bills for the month were reviewed and Colin Johnson moved to approve the bills for payment. Rich Cap seconded the motion. The motion passed.

Ron Phillips talked about the broken up road on Wells Lake Way and Wells l\Lake Court. He wants the township to do what is necessary to make the road passable. He also wants bids to patch the road.

Ron Velzke wanted to know what the boards plans were for 175th, Elmore Ave. and Elmore Way. He was advised the board planned on replacing the bad culverts and repairing the soft spots when the road dried up. Nothing more will be done until the subordinate service district comes back to the board with a request.

There was a complaint that French Lake Trail needed rock on the north side just west of the gross property.

There was also a complaint about French Lake Trail breaking up at the curve by the lake. There is standing water there and that problem need to be fixed.

Art Paquette complained about the condition of several gravel roads. He was concerned that the Town Board was only concerned about the blacktop roads. He was advised the Township had plans for several gravel roads after the road tour in April. We are currently waiting for the roads to dry out to proceed.

Colin Johnson moved to adjourn and Rich Cap seconded the motion. The motion carried.


James Zahn


