Wells Township, Rice County, MN.

November Meeting Minutes

Wells Township Board Meeting Minutes November 2, 2015


On Monday November 2, 2015 the Wells Town Board met at the Wells Town Hall.

Members present were Jeff LaCanne, Nancy Johnson, Rich Cap, Marlene Pohl and Jim Zahn.

Also present were Lowell Berg, Flavia Berg, Randy Kubes and Colin Johnson.

Chairman Jeff LaCanne opened the meeting with the pledge of allegiance and the asked if anyone was recording the meeting and received no response.

The minutes of the October 5, 2015 meeting were read by Jim Zahn.  Nancy Johnson moved to accept the minutes and Rich Cap seconded the motion. The motion carried.

Marlene Pohl gave the Treasurers report.  Nancy Johnson moved to accept the Treasurers report and Rich Cap seconded the motion. The motion carried.

The October bills were reviewed and approved for payment.

Building permits for September were reviewed.

Randy Kubes provided the board with a copy of the proposed easements on the Pexa property. After some discussion the board asked Mr. Kubes to revise the easement to allow the township to have authority over the road and the ability to assess costs. Mr. Kubes will ask the Pexas attorney to modify the easement and send it to Nancy Johnson for revew by the townships attorney.

Trees and brush in the ditches was discussed. It was decided to use Midwest Tree for the trees. Dale Kuchinka and RAW construction will be used for brush removal.

Condition of tables and chairs at the town hall were discussed and it was decided to get pricing for 2 8’ tables and 15 chairs. Jeff LaCanne will get prices.

Nancy Johnson moved to adjourn the meeting and Rich Cap seconded the motion and it carried.

Respectfully Submitted


Jim Zahn
